How to Hide Likes on Instagram?

How to Hide Likes on Instagram?

How to Hide Likes on Instagram?

Once you hide likes on Instagram, you won't be able to see the number of likes on any posts in your timeline.

The number of likes on your posts won't also be visible to your followers.

You can use this feature with confidence because hiding likes on Instagram won't reduce the number of likes you receive for your photos.

Why Hide Your Likes?

The reasons for hiding your likes on Instagram are as different as the people who use it.

Typical reasons include the following:

·         Lowering Social Pressure: It might be oppressive to feel like you have to get more likes all the time. By hiding the metrics, you can release some of this pressure and concentrate on producing material that you enjoy and gaining real interaction.

·         Refocusing: Although likes are a transient indicator of popularity, they don't convey your true worth or value. You can refocus your attention on more significant facets of your life and online persona by hiding them.

·         Making Creativity a Priority: When the pressure of numbers is removed, you can let your imagination run wild and try new things without being concerned about being accepted. Accept the pleasure of creating for both your genuine audience and yourself.

·         Encouraging Mental Health: Constant rivalry and comparison spurred on by likes can be harmful to mental health. Online life might become more tranquil and well-balanced when they are hidden.

·         Setting a Positive Example: If you're a public figure, influencer, or parent, you may encourage people to prioritise meaningful connections and honesty over chasing numbers by disclosing your likes.

Instagram can be a fantastic tool for staying in touch with loved ones, but it can also be a distraction.

Hiding likes can encourage users to put their relationships with the people they care about before the number of likes they receive.

You can focus on sharing your content for the pleasure of sharing rather than to obtain likes by hiding your likes, which can assist in easing this strain.

Social media use has been related to anxiety and depression, especially in young people, according to studies.

It may be possible to lessen the detrimental effects of social media on mental health by hiding likes.

Likes can be used to track someone's online behavior, which may cause some people to worry about their privacy.

Privacy can be preserved by hiding likes.

Caution: Even if your posts are hidden from other users, a third-party app that has access to your Instagram data can still be able to see how many people have liked them. 

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How to Hide Likes on Instagram on a Computer?

The following are the steps that show you how to hide likes on Instagram on the web.

1.      Navigate to Instagram and open your Instagram profile.

2.     In the top right corner, click the gear icon.

3.     Click on "Settings." And then click on "Privacy."

4.    Then, scroll down to the "Posts" section.

5.     Next, choose "Hide like and view counts."

6.    Finally, click on the "Save" button.

By repeating the steps above and deselecting "Hide like and view counts," you can show likes on Instagram once more if you ever change your mind.

How to Hide Likes on Instagram on iPhone or Android?

The following are the steps that show you how to hide likes on Instagram on iPhone or Android.

1.      First, open the Instagram app on your gadget.

2.     In the bottom right corner, tap on your profile photo.

3.     Next, tap on the three lines in the top right corner.

4.    Select "Settings." Then tap on the "Privacy" option.

5.     Next, scroll down to the "Posts" section of privacy.

6.    Then, tap on the "Hide like and view counts" option.

7.     Finally, tap on the "Save" button

Repeating the steps above and deselecting "Hide like and view counts," you can again show likes on Instagram if you are interested.

Beyond Likes: A Way of Life

The first step towards a more thoughtful and rewarding Instagram experience is hiding your likes. Beyond the metrics, consider these extra pointers to fully embrace the platform:

·         Put Connection First: Regardless of how many followers someone has, connect with them through sharing stories, having meaningful conversations, and genuine interaction.

·         Put Quality Above Quantity: Develop a more intimate, smaller following of people who respect your voice and your material.

·         Accept Imperfections: Posting something that you're proud of is okay, even if it doesn't receive a tonne of likes. Enjoy the process of creating and expressing your distinct viewpoint.

·         Set Intentions: Decide what you want to accomplish using Instagram and use it to further your interests, objectives, and development as a person.

·         Take Breaks: Don't allow your life to get consumed by Instagram. Regularly unplug, take in the actual world, and give priority to leisure and happy activities.


Recall that your like count does not determine your value.

Reclaiming your online space, putting your health first, and rediscovering the thrill of genuine connection on Instagram may all be achieved by hiding your likes.

Now inhale deeply, press the toggle button, and enter a world where you are worth far more than any figure on a screen.