How to Change YouTube Channel Name on Computer, Android, iPhone?

How to Change YouTube Channel Name

Change YouTube Channel Name

In this article, we will show you how to change your YouTube channel name on a Computer, Android, iPhone & iPad with very easy steps.

Let us get started.

It is possible to change Your YouTube channel name and description if you feel it is appropriate.  

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·        Renaming the YouTube channel name will not change the Google account name that you used to create a YouTube channel.

·        You must follow Google’s Community Guidelines when changing your YouTube channel name.

·        If you have gained a verification badge for your YouTube channel, changing your channel name will make it removed.

·        It may take some days before the new updated YouTube channel name and description are displayed across YouTube.

·        You will need to update the YouTube channel translations with your new updated YouTube channel name had you translated your channel name with YouTube channel translations.

How to Change YouTube Channel Name and Description on Computer?

You can change your YouTube channel name and description on the Computer by properly following the steps presented below.

1.     Open YouTube on your Computer browser.

2.   Then, sign in to YouTube Studio.

3.   In the left sidebar, select Customization.

4.   Then, click on the Basic info tab.

5.    Click on the Edit channel name symbol. Now, you can enter your new YouTube channel name and description. Please remember changes made to your YouTube name and pictures are visible only on YouTube and not on other Google services.

How To Change YouTube Channel Name on Computer

6.   Finally, click on the PUBLISH button in the right corner.

How to Change YouTube Channel name and description on Android?

You can also change your YouTube channel name and description on Android phones by following the steps presented hereunder.

How to Change YouTube Channel Name on Android?

Let us first see how you can change the YouTube channel name on Android.

1.     Open the YouTube app on your Android cellphone or tablet.

2.   Then, sign in to YouTube Studio.

3.   Tap your YouTube profile picture.

4.   Then, tap Your channel.

5.    Tap the Edit Channel symbol. Now, you can enter your new YouTube channel name.

6.   Finally, tap OK.

How to Change YouTube Channel Description on Android?

YouTube channel description is part of your YouTube channel where you tell viewers about your YouTube channel.

Your channel description will appear in the “About” section of your YouTube channel page and search results, among other places. 

You can also update your YouTube channel description on Android phones by appropriately following the steps presented hereunder.

1.     Open the YouTube app on your Android device.

2.   Sign in to YouTube Studio.

3.   Tap your YouTube profile picture and then tap Your channel.

4.   Then, tap the Edit Channel symbol. Now, you can update your YouTube channel description.

5.    Finally, tap OK.

How to Change the YouTube Channel name and description on iPhone & iPad?

In this section, we will show you how to change your YouTube channel name and description on iPhone & iPad devices.

How to Change YouTube Channel Name on iPhone & iPad?

You can update your YouTube channel name on iPhone & iPad devices by appropriately following the steps presented hereunder.

1.     Open the YouTube app on your iPhone & iPad device.

2.   Then, sign in to the YouTube Studio.

3.   Tap your YouTube profile picture and then tap Your channel.

4.   Then, tap the Edit Channel symbol under your YouTube channel name.

5.    Tap the Edit Symbol next to your channel name.

6.   Finally, update your YouTube channel name and tap the tick in the corner.

How to Change YouTube Channel Description on iPhone & iPad?

Your YouTube channel description is displayed on the “About” tab of your YouTube channel page. 

Now, let us see how to change YouTube channel descriptions on iPhone & iPad devices. Follow the steps shown below.

1.     Open the YouTube app on your iPhone or iPad device.

2.   Then, sign in to the YouTube Studio.

3.   Tap your YouTube profile picture and then tap Your channel.

4.   Then, tap the Edit Channel symbol under your channel name.

5.    Tap the Edit Symbol next to your channel description.

6.   Finally, update your YouTube channel description and tap the check in the corner.

Change the YouTube Channel Name URL

To change YouTube channel name URL, your account needs to:

  • Be at least 30 days old
  • Have 100 or more subscribers
  • Have uploaded the banner image
  • Have uploaded profile picture

Follow the steps shown below to change the YouTube channel name URL.

1.      First, sign in to your YouTube Studio account.

2.     Select Customization from the left Menu.

3.     Select Basic info.

4.    Then, click Set a custom URL for your channel under Channel URL. You can add extra letters or numbers or choose the suggested custom URL based on your channel name to make your custom URL unique. 

5.     Finally, click PUBLISH and then click CONFIRM to confirm your custom URL change.

In this article, we have walked you through very easy steps to change your YouTube channel name on a Computer, Android, iPhone & iPad.